
  • Yuntu прадаставіла намёт для мерапрыемстваў у Саудаўскай Аравіі?

    Так, Юнту has provided the event tent during the National Day & Ramadan Day to Saudi Arabia market. For these special Events we have provided Arabic Tents with 6 x 10 m, 10 x 20 m, 10 x 30 m, 20 x 30 m, 30 x 40 m and 40 m…

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  • Eco Geodesic Domes Tent – Impressive Glamping Resort with Stargazing

    Outdoor Eco Glamping Dome Tent is easy to fully equipped with household facilities, appliances, kitchenware and can be easily installed everywhere to provide a unique, comfortable, and peaceful living experience. So it is widely used for resorts, glamping sites, campgrounds,…

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  • Temporary Warehouse Tent Will Be Your Best Solution

    Nowadays, with the expensive labor remuneration of construction workers, the rising price of raw materials and the high purchase and sale price of land, many factories are deterred from the price of building concrete factories.

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  • Класічны палатка формы А для часовага прамысловага склада на адкрытым паветры

    Палатка формы заўсёды быў улюбёнцам часовы прамысловы склад. Яны могуць прымяняцца ў розных галінах прамысловасці. Яны з'яўляюцца прывабнай структурай для прамысловасці. Іх таксама можна выкарыстоўваць як майстэрняў або складоў.

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  • Унікальная шатровая палатка ў форме А для вашых мерапрыемстваў!

    А-вобразная палатка - гэта класіка і вечная структура палаткі з алюмініевага сплаву. А-вобразныя палаткі шырока выкарыстоўваюцца ў многіх сферах. Яго можна шырока выкарыстоўваць у бізнес-дзейнасці, на выставах, прэс-канферэнцыях, вяселлях, у прамысловых складах, на сходах у рэстаранах і г.д.!

    Даўжыня полупостоянная структура can…

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  • Luxury PVC Clear Large Geodesic Dome Tents For Outdoor

    The geodesic dome tent has its unique design concept, novel structure, safety and other unique charm, especially to attract the public eye, it can create the perfect solution for your special events. It widely used in various large-scale…

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  • Elegant Wedding Under Marquee Tent

    Outdoor marquee wedding tent is a modern wedding for the pursuit of romantic, luxurious, personalized ceremony, for the outdoor wedding site, ceremonial reception and other links to provide more space to create the atmosphere. Compared to hotels, wedding tents have a greater range of…

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  • The Advantages of Equestrian Marquee Tent – Horse Riding Arena Tent

    As the number one noble sport in the West, equestrian has also started to be noticed by more and more domestic parents in recent years. Because of this, the number of equestrian training facilities in China is also increasing. In addition to the common open-air training ground, in order to…

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  • Outdoor Marquee Mixed Tents Are More Interesting Than Hotels!

    The luxury wedding party mixed tent is to combine various styles of tents without affecting the stability of the tent. They can be pagoda tent, polygon tent, arch tent and a shape tent, so as to form a multifunctional tent with unique shape.

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  • Пунктаў прызначэння бясконца, але колькасць намётаў для глэмпінгу абмежавана

    Looking at home and abroad, you may find that overnight, grassland picnics began and exquisite camping became popular. Now, “wild luxury glamping” have also appeared: dome tent, safari tent, african glamping tent have sprung up everywhere in China.

    But even so, those l

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  • Прадаецца новая адкрытая тэнісная палатка з асаблівай знешнасцю

    Padel Tennis, a beautiful and intense sport and prevalent all over the world, is known as the second largest ball in the world. With the gradual popularization of tennis in China, people’s enthusiasm for the sport is increasing. However, there are few indoor tennis courts in China, and…

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  • Can The Event Dome Tent Be Used For The New Car Launch?

    Can the event dome tent be used for the new car launch? Of course you can. Due to the flexible and changeable characteristics of the event dome tent, it can meet the requirements of various large and small outdoor activities, whether it is used as a dome theater, cultural experience hall, car morning tour…

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