The Best Luxury Hotel 360° Clear PC Dome House On Sale

استمتع بتجربة خيمة TFS المنحنية المتطورة، المصممة بشكل فريد لتقدم مزيجًا من الجماليات الحديثة والوظائف التي لا مثيل لها. مثالية لعدد لا يحصى من الأحداث، فشكلها المنحني المميز لا يبرز فحسب، بل يوفر أيضًا متانة معززة وتحسينًا للمساحة.

The Best Luxury Hotel 360° Clear PC Dome House On Sale

The best 360¡ãclear PC dome house, a transparent bubble tent that no need to inflate. A luxury outdoor transparent hotel with clear skylight.

Yuntu Tent’s transparent dome tent composed of modular splicing is made of polycarbonate (PC boards) with a thickness of 5MM. The non-toxic and harmless materials can meet the application of any scene. It can used for a bar, restaurant, coffee shop or living room with bath.

The specifications and sizes of the 3.5m-6m transparent dome tent can be combined with each other. The round and waist round designs are suitable for different scenarios and have a full sense of the future. There is no ambiguity in the details of the transparent dome tent. The rotating sliding door of the space capsule, the liftable skylight, and the fresh air ventilation system have designed a distinctive avant-garde feeling on a limited basis.


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