خيمة بوليجون الرياضية، تجعل الرياضة أقرب إلى الحياة

استمتع بتجربة خيمة TFS المنحنية المتطورة، المصممة بشكل فريد لتقدم مزيجًا من الجماليات الحديثة والوظائف التي لا مثيل لها. مثالية لعدد لا يحصى من الأحداث، فشكلها المنحني المميز لا يبرز فحسب، بل يوفر أيضًا متانة معززة وتحسينًا للمساحة.

خيمة بوليجون الرياضية، تجعل الرياضة أقرب إلى الحياة

Polygon sports tentis a popular mode of venue in recent years, breaking the traditional space to build and operate the mode, to provide outdoor indoor large sports venues, to solve the lack of sports venues for all the people of the status quo, while the outdoor open-air venues can also be transformed to provide a protective layer so that it can be normal sports in the hot sun or rainy days, so that people’s daily activities can be guaranteed, the specific advantages of YunTu tent to explain to you.

If the building area is no environment and temperature requirements, we can build using the framework is high-quality aluminum alloy, solid structure can be used repeatedly, the walls can be used PVC tarpaulin, rain and mildew flame retardant can be used in bad weather, but in use with or without walls are possible, so the space is a temporary building, the approval process is simple, a short time can be solved.

YunTu Tent manufacturers have a one-stop perfect service, for the interior of the tent required floor, viewing platform, lamps, air conditioning systems and so on everything, to meet the use of all aspects, because of the convenience of space to build, outdoor open-air venues can be directly operated, the formation of an outdoor indoor sports space, the convenience of space and diversity can also be used for soccer, swimming, equestrian and other venues.

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