خيمة القبة الجيوديسية شبه الدائمة للبيع

استمتع بتجربة خيمة TFS المنحنية المتطورة، المصممة بشكل فريد لتقدم مزيجًا من الجماليات الحديثة والوظائف التي لا مثيل لها. مثالية لعدد لا يحصى من الأحداث، فشكلها المنحني المميز لا يبرز فحسب، بل يوفر أيضًا متانة معززة وتحسينًا للمساحة.

خيمة القبة الجيوديسية شبه الدائمة للبيع

ال geodesic dome tent is known as a “strong space, light weight, effective design. The use of rigid and robust architecture, can temporarily hang lights and sound equipment to decorate and fill the space of your event. Outdoor dome tent is made of special high-strength steel pipe, galvanized or painted surface, PVC cover, can be matched with glass doors, size 8m, 10m, 15m, 20m, 25m, 30m in diameter. For example: air conditioning, flooring, ceiling interior, glass doors, fully transparent tarpaulins and sidewall fabrics, etc.

ال geodesic dome tent can create the perfect solution for your special event and are widely used for large exhibitions, festivals and outdoor events. Its unique and beautiful shape and versatile tarp design style make this product the choice of high quality and brand charm users.

ال geodesic dome tent can be small and exquisite, imposing, transparent and colorful. The advanced design of the round top, close to the perfect shape and size, self-white use of space, the cable can be laid under the floor, making the whole space both chic and convenient and safe. This dome tents ever-changing appearance, unchanging quality, its advanced structural design makes it faster to build, while more effective to improve the safety of building, it is easy to It can easily become an independent semi-permanent building.

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